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Office Address:
Sinza B, Mori Street, Off Shekilango Road, Block/Plot No. S11-1C531. P. O. Box 31086 Dar es salaam, Tanzania

Our team have vast experience in implementing project monitoring and evaluation activities using highly innovative approaches such as Human- Centered Design (HCD), Theory of Change (ToC), Participatory Ethnographic Evaluation and Research (PEER), Participatory Action Research (PAR), Projective Technique, Consensus Group Technique, Most Significant Change (MSC) technique etc. We also assist our clients in developing strong project monitoring and evaluation plans, including selection of strong key project monitoring indicators and designing tools to capture related data.
Our thorough and highly innovative program monitoring and evaluation approaches will aid identification of key program components that are effective, whom they are effective and under what conditions they are effective. Central to our monitoring is the focus on real time changes (both desirable and non-desirable) resulting from program activities and providing timely feedback to inform program improvements. Our evaluations aim to provide an independent and true picture of projects particularly whether the project delivered expected outcomes and value to its beneficiaries. Below is the support that CSK staff have provided to various clients under this services category:
Situational Analysis/Baseline Studies
Process Evaluation
Mid-term Evaluation Studies
Final/Impact Evaluation
Input to project monitoring and evaluation plans, including designing key performance indicators and tools to capture related data.
Examples of Past Assignments on Program Monitoring and Evaluation
The Jane Goodall Institute (JGI), Tanzania
June to Aug 2021
Staff members of CSK were part of the team that supported the mid-term evaluation of the Family Planning and Reproductive Health Component of the Integrated Landscape Conservation in Western Tanzania (LCWT) Project. CSK team roles under this activity included, participating in the desk review of program and other relevant documents, participating in developing evaluation tools and instruments, participating in data collection activities in four districts of Kigoma and Katavi regions, conducting data management and writing of the evaluation report.
German Development Cooperation (GIZ), Dar es salaam, Tanzania.
Oct 2020 – Apr 2021
CSK supported an assessment of the Newborn Triage Checklist (NTC) intervention that was being implemented by GIZ in Tanzania. Activities under this assignment included, development of the study protocol and tools, supporting local IRB application, recruiting & training of field teams, implementing data collection and management activities and writing of the assessment report. I also supported dissemination of findings of this assessment among key stakeholders.
Pathfinder International, Tanzania.
May – Dec 2018
CSK was contracted to support the baseline and end-line qualitative evaluation of the first-time parents (Tuungane) project, which was implemented by Pathfinder International in 2 regions of Tanzania (Kigoma and Katavi). The project was aimed at addressing myths and increasing knowledge and utilization of contraceptives among first time mothers age 10-24 years. CSK Research Solutions was responsible for leading recruitment and training of data collectors, collection of qualitative data at baseline and end-line in the two regions, analysing the qualitative data materials and writing the evaluation report with recommendation on the key learnings from project implementation.
Dexis Consulting Group, Washington DC
May to Oct 2017
A consultant from CSK was among a team of 8 consultants that conducted the end-line evaluation of the USAID-funded RESPOND Tanzania Project (RTP) that was implemented by EngenderHealth from 2012-2017. Her input to this evaluation included, providing input to the evaluation design, in particular offering expertise on the Tanzanian health systems in the areas of family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH). She as well provided inputs to the data collection methods and tools, and participated in the planning of field visits, including selection of sites to be visited. She also participated in data collection, analysis, and writing of the evaluation report. Data was collected from 12 districts in four regions of Tanzania and it involved conducting key informant interviews (KIIs) with regional and district health managers and focus group discussions (FGDs) with project beneficiaries. The team also conducted facility observations and analyzed RESPOND program data.
Avenir Health, USA
Jul – Dec 2015
Consultants from CSK were contracted to support an assessment of the flow, quality and use of national family planning data for decision-making at various levels of the health system and providing recommendations for improved data collection and management systems for the national family planning program in Tanzania. Specific activities under this assignment included providing inputs to the evaluation design, including designing the data collection tools and selecting sites to be visited for the assessment. Consultants from CSK as well participated in data collection activities as team leaders along with program managers from the family planning and health management information system (HMIS) units of the MoH.
Family Health International, Tanzania
Mar - May 2014
Consultants based at CSK were contracted to support an assessment of the “key barriers and facilitating factors for the National Family Planning Costed Implementation Program (NFPCIP) in Tanzania”. Activities under this assignment included; reviewing the key informant guide and conducting key informant interviews (KIIs) with Ministry of Health Officials and program managers from NGOs, CSOs and Donors working in the Family Planning area in Tanzania. The consultants as well analyzing the qualitative materials, wrote the final report (including recommendations for program improvement) and presented the findings to various key FP stakeholders in the country.
Aug 2016 to Dec 2020
CSK consultants are supporting the process evaluation of the adolescent 360 (A360) project that is implemented by PSI in ten regions of Tanzania. The project aims at fostering modern contraceptive use among adolescent girls and utilizes Human-Centered-Design (HCD) approach through youth engagement to create high-performing adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) interventions at scale in Tanzania. Dr. Kahabuka (working with a junior consultant based at CSK) have been responsible for providing input to the process evaluation design, collecting process evaluation data (at six-monthly interval in the regions that the program was being implemented), supporting qualitative data analysis and contributing to the generation of thematic insight decks.
Population Council, Washington DC
Mar to Dec 2019
CSK Supported the implementation of the USAID-funded Tulonge Afya Midterm Performance Evaluation. Tulonge Afya is an SBCC (social and behavioral change communication) flagship project in Tanzania that is being implemented all over Tanzania, with a focus in 19 regions. The project aims to foster positive health practices in households and communities by transforming socio-cultural norms and supporting the adoption of healthier behaviors in five health areas, including sexual and reproductive health, maternal and child health, HIV and AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis. CSK staff participated in all stages of this evaluation, including methodological design, led implementation of the evaluation in six regions located in six zones of Tanzania, analyzed qualitative data and produced the first draft of the qualitative report.